FrieslandCampina and HeyCoach
Sometimes things happen to you that throw you off balance and you might want to talk about this with a coach to share your concerns. You might want to address worries you have, how things are going at work, working together, stress you experience, or are looking for help setting boundaries. Or you are looking for about more general coaching when it comes to your energy, sleep your relationships.
Whether you want to talk about your private life or issues at work, FrieslandCampina has HeyCoach available to help you. We warmly invite you to contact the coaches if you are looking for support with everything that is going on in your life. If you want to know more, watch this video. Or click here to learn more about HeyCoach.
This service is available to all FrieslandCampina employees working in the Netherlands. To get started with HeyCoach right away, follow this link. Click on Login and then on ‘new participant’ and use the company code FRIC002