Referenties online coaching

Of course, we can tell you what online coaching can do for you. And also what our good experiences with HeyCoach are. But wouldn’t it be more interesting to hear what our clients think of HeyCoach?

You can read about customer experiences in the cases below.

Case 1

Providing a listening ear and asking the right questions

I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t enjoying my work anymore. My job is interesting, I have great colleagues and I have always gained a lot of pleasure from my work, but I had noticed that I was enjoying it less and less and was finding it a real drain on my energy. I was convinced that I really had nothing to complain about and so I initially kept my feelings to myself. Then I heard aboutHeyCoach which offered me an accessible way of talking to someone about what I was feeling.

To begin with, my coach mainly listened to what I had to say. After a while he pointed out that I talked a lot about the importance of being appreciated and the work that I do having meaning in some way. He asked if I was perhaps concerned about how I would give meaning to my life and find appreciation for what I do after I retire in a few years time. I was really surprised as I hadn’t made the link at all but I realised that he was absolutely right. I am now 60 years old so will be
retiring in a few years and I realised that I was worried about how I would make my life meaningful once I no longer worked.

Once I had come to this realisation I was able to do something about it. I still enjoy the work that I do but I have also started thinking about how I would like my life to be after I retire. I have come to see that even after retirement there are many ways of continuing to contribute in meaningful ways.

Case 2

From the coach

Older employees are often a forgotten group in organizations which is remarkable since employees in The Netherlands often delay retirement and continue to work longer into their later years. Older employees usually do not like to draw attention to themselves even though their work environments are often in a constant state of motion. Younger generations are on the rise and in many organizations change is the only constant factor. Some older employees
are happy about their approaching retirement but not all, such as in the case of this client. Without being aware of it, he was viewing his approaching retirement as empty and lacking meaning which evoked all sorts of difficult emotions which did not correspond with his current work situation and which he therefore did not understand.

I mainly listened to the client and let him talk about what he thought was important in his (working) life. Everything he said pointed in the same direction: he wanted to contribute and be appreciated for his contribution. In his work he was achieving this, but what would happen when he retired, how would he feel then?

After the client had gained insight into where his feelings were coming from we were able to start talking about possible solutions and looking at ways of filling the free time that comes with retirement with meaningful activities.

This gave the client what he needed in order to tackle the issue further on his own!

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